The Super Heroes: Cheetah Master and Fire Batman!!!!!!!!! :) Showing off her skills almost three months old! Do you see the resemblance? Kai soaking wet after a squirt gun fight with Jake and taking it easy to enjoy the beautiful sunny day! My handsome, sweetheart!!! I love this photo shoot pose!!! Three Months Old!!! Check out these new expressions! MY FAV!!! WHOA!!! This is so my confused look. This is so happy go lucky Eric. Some cozy cube moments! The ladies of the house!
The Threesome of Trouble! Twinsies! Getting so old! Four months old and happy as a clam! She loves her Daddy!!! This was such a lovely night! Fremont, Greek Food, walk by the river, watched the sunset on our porch, boys danced, and we all laughed!!! A true party of five!!! The drummer.... Doing her tummy time and checking things out!!! Ahh! Daddy loves Kai! Kai loves Daddy! Watch out here comes the coo-coo birds!!! I am at a loss for words!!! Captain Muustaacho! Baby Girl trying out her first foods!!! Seems she can't get enough! Runs in the family!
Kai's very, very, very first day of Preschool! He waited so patiently and was so stinking excited to finally get his turn at school! His own teacher, his own friends, his own field trips, his own experience!!! My baby boy is getting so old!!! This was a crazy shoulder shaking reminder of how fast time flies!!! Enjoy the moments people!!! He was so proud of himself!!! It was so cute! Checking things out. This is our new friend Kai. Hi Kai! Brave but Shy Kai!!!!
Mrs. Fenelon- best preschool teacher ever!!!!
Jake's first day of pre-k!!! An old pro, excited and confident, with a pinch of anxiety. Stop my heart, he looks so old!!! I remember when we welcomed you into our family and now you rule it!!! Oh this is a little different! Swimming: A new frontier!!!