We have finally settled into the new year; Holiday cookies have been eaten, Christmas decor nicely tucked away, and a refrigerator stocked full of healthy snacks to support resolutions. We are all ready to jump head first into this year full of so much change and possibility!!!
Every year ending Eric and I sit down full of spirits and hope and brainstorm our top 5 goals for the year to come. So here's our list and by posting it we hope it will help us stick with it:
1. Health- in all it's meanings
2. Family- be a great family and try to get Jake a lil' peep to play with
3. Finances- debt and investments 201
4. Social Life- date nights, dinner club, new pals, and staying in touch
5. Home- organize, decorate, and finalize
We'll keep you posted on our successes! We are excited to start so many family traditions and log lots of great memories in 2007! We wish the same to all of you!
On the Eric Front: He celebrated another fantastic birthday! That's 24 in stamina/33 in dog years. Eric had a wonderful weekend of yummy pampering! He took Friday off for the big day, got some new duds thanks to some b-day cash and gift cards, (thanks fam!) went out to a top-shelf dinner at the Purple Cafe, slept in the next morning (which is a big deal these days) and chased that with an 80 minute hot-stone super-duper, deluxe massage a la Jeremy Todd Spa! Capping it up with a fantastic afternoon and slumberjam with old pal Mark Colby- who is always a breath of fresh air! What a way to start the new year!!!!
On the star of the show lil' man Jake: He has grown leaps and bounds in personality! He has acquired "his father's" enormous patience (thanks grandpa Ron)!!! He was weened from the boob and is now on a milk-based formula. He began eating solids, as you witnessed his first carrot side dish. Now he slams cereal, pears (his fav) and sweet potatoes all organically homemade by moi! Yeah for healthy starts! He is sitting up all by himself very,very well and needs to at all times! He is WAY better at tummy time and we do some great brain-body exercises to get him going! Thanks to holiday cash, we were able to get some pretty cool gear for the guy! We did a lot of research, lucked out with end of the year close out sales and ended up with a Deuter Kid 1 Baby Backpack so Eric can lug him around for hikes, walks, whatever/whenever! Eric is SUPER excited! Sometimes we walk him around the house in it! Jake really digs it too! He loves checking out new places and faces! We also got a jammin joggin stroller the Mountain Buggy Urban Single which is all terrain-rides like butter! Jake LOVES going for walks here in the area there is so much to check out- giant trees, relaxing lakes, crazy critters and tons of other kids at the local playground!This past Sunday we started our baby sign language class- yeah we know, it sounds crazy but so are most of the people out here on the west coast! Pretty soon Jake will be able to tell us when he is hungry, tired, pissed off (middle finger), or needs a change! We anticipate his first sign!
Me: I am still trying to grasp this whole mommy job! Everyday is SO different! I didn't realize how much I need structure and oh yeah SLEEP! I am going on officially 7 months of sleepless in Seattle. But, since we switched formulas from soy to milk based and finalizing all the holiday who-ha, Jake has done much better with sleeping! Now he only gets up 3-4 times a night! I am also still involved with PEPS (mommy group) and meet once a week which is pretty cool! Jake is the favorite because of his enormous personality! He really is a flirt too! I am trying to gear up for my big three-O! This is a big year for me in so many ways! On top of all that I am desperately recruiting my fam to move out here! I really think they will thrive here and we could use some more babysitters!
Enjoy these latest picks! Stay tuned in for some great videos! I hope they bring you as much joy and laughter as they do us!
Peace Out- WCB