This was a crazy month of birthdays! I turned 34, officially mid thirties. Please pass my cane!! Jake turned 5 years old, sniff so old! Ron turned 72... gracefully! And baby Girl turned two and three months old before our eyes!!!!! Time keeps on tickin', tickin', tickin'!!!! Enjoy!!!!
These pics are from Jake's First real birthday Party! Aaaaarrrr! A Pirate Party for a 5 Year old!! We made our own costumes and telescopes, had an awesome treasure hunt with real treasure, had cupcakes and snacks, played with our friends, and had a great day!!!!

All the pirates found some treasure!!!

Levi had to check it out asap!!!
Hurry this way!
Which way does the map tell us to go?

Eric was the Captain of the Treasure Hunt and did an awesome job getting them all excited!

Peace and the finger! Tooo funny!
Look a diamond ring!
Cake time!!! It took forever to get that candle lit!!!

Cupcake Cake!
Aaaah! Chloe love!

Emma and Ryder!
Auntie love!
Hiding the treasure!

The best two helper pirates ever! And mean too Aaaarrr!
Baby Henry found some gold!
Kenrick and Chloe!
Gigi and Chloe in the pirate tutu outfit Gigi got her! She looked so cute!
Chloe with Gigi and Poppi!

Jake with Ranen and Elias! They look like real pirates!!!

The love was a flowing!!! Eric with his Mommy and Daddy!
Ariana made a great lady pirate!

Decorating telescopes for pirate adventures!

I love these two bossom buddies!!

Another pirate maiden!
Jake really loved his first ever birthday party and loved being a pirate! Aaarrr!

Here are some pics of Chloe in her bumbo! She is a strong girl!! 2 months and sitting up!

Her half smile is so stinking cute!

Chloe's many faces: I am so happy to see you!!!
Say WHAT?!!
Puppy Dog Face!!!
Jake and Eric doing their lawn work!
Chloe and I enjoying the breeze!
My baby girl!

Finally a thumb sucking pro!!!

For Jake's real birthday we had a wonderful adventure at the Aquarium, then fish and chips in the sun by the sound, presents, more cake, and playing outside!!! It was a great day!!! I can't believe my baby is FIVE!!!!! Sniff..
Jake loves his daddy!
An attempt at a group sleeping!
Fish Face!
Our Birthday Boy at the Aquarium!
That's what a 5 year old looks like!
Ron and Judy in front of the Pugent Sound!
Jellyfish Jake!
My oldest and youngest!
At home opening presents! Kai was so happy Jake was in the mood to share! Happy Playmobil sharing Boy!
Jake's newest Jungle castle with booby traps, spiders, and rock people! SOOO Indian Jones I love it!!!!
A fellow cancer!
Per request: Blue cake!
The loot! Excited!
Fourth of July was great! We headed downtown to watch the Kirkland Parade! It was super sunny and we got a great spot right on the curb to watch all the kids, cars, firetrucks, and more! After the parade we went home and rested and then headed over to Poppi and Gigi's for a fun bbq with all the gang! It was great to see the cousins running around together! Then we came home and watched the fireworks out on the street again! It's now our firework watching spot! The boys loved staying up so late! It's a great marker for a birthday the next day!!! It was nice! Real nice!
Check out those chubby thighs!!! LOVE! And her cute outfit from Judy!!!

Checking stuff out at the parade!

She really enjoyed the crazy parade!
WOW!!! (side note...his ear doesn't normally look like Sloth's from Goonies!)
COOL! We made these fun visors the night before! They ended up working really well!!!

Getting Ready for the Parade!
THE Man!
Here are some cute random shots from my birthday, Ron and Judy's visit, baby girl at two months old, and the brothers.
Check out the cars Chloe! Rough Tough Love!

Chloe became part of the set up!!! She loved watching them play all around her!
'Ya.. that's right'!!!
Brother LOVE!!!
Say Cheeeeeeese!
Cars sorting 101.
A pro thumb sucker now!
Smile baby girl!


My Baby Cakes!!!
Chloe showing off her muscles!
Funny faces of a two month old!

She has her daddy's pretty feet!
This look grounds me!
It has been the busiest June/July of our little lives!!! We are just coming out of the fog of it all! Between birthdays, parties, visitors, attempting to improve this money pit, and balancing life with baby girl we are beat!!! Check back in soon for recent pics of Chloe at three months!
It has been the busiest June/July of our little lives!!! We are just coming out of the fog of it all! Between birthdays, parties, visitors, attempting to improve this money pit, and balancing life with baby girl we are beat!!! Check back in soon for recent pics of Chloe at three months!