June has been a crazy month!
Jake started walking the second week of June and is now a pro! He can walk and stop and keep walking and squat to pick up a toy and keep walking and take a break by his pal Mya the cat and then get up and keep walking and stop to dance to a little Carrie Underwood and yup that's right keep walking! He can't stand being held, being in a stroller, or sitting. He's got places to go and people to meet, don't hold this kid back!!! He has also jumped up in his eatin echelon... spaghetti and meatballs, corn on the cob, bbq chicken, BLUEBERRIES- which he can't live without right now and is so pretty comin out, avocado toast, mushroom casserole, vanilla waffles, and his latest adventure the transition from formula to cow's milk! He seems to enjoy it and so does our "pocketbook" it's a big day for our budget!!! He had his first ordered out fare- grilled cheese and he loved it!! We started bumping his night bottle to just water and he did well until tonight. He FINALLY started using the sign language we worked on so hard months ago! Just out of the blue he pulled out the sleep and milk signs!!! It is AWESOME to know when he is thirsty or sleepy but he goes into a panic if you don't acknowledge him right away and starts holding his breathe and turning red! He must get his patience from Eric! To make it all so cute he is starting to talk saying "mama, dadda, iya(mya), and lots of other words that sound alot like opi(poppi-mydad), geeg(gigi-mymom), trrrtrrr(tree), he is definately in mimic mode which has us on our toes! He said his first sentence the other day at breakfast. We were eating as usual and Eric came to kiss us goodbye on his way out and Jake smiled, waved to Eric and said "Byebye Dadda"! We were shocked and thought we just heard something and then just to prove us wrong he said it again! We were so impressed and since then he has been on a mission to try to communicate. But, singing still tops his list of favorites! He loves to hum and bop his head back and forth and stops in his tracks when he hears reggae or any woman signing. His recent favs: Carrie Underwood, Nelly Furtado, Reggae Saturday, and I was just reminded of Eebbee! I can't even impress the joy our son gets out of watching and dancing to and playing with Eebbee from the ondemand kids channel! So much so that we stockin up for his soon to be birthday! He loves takin that post nap chill time for his pals on Sesame Street, Curious George, and Eebee! It seems like overnight he went from my precious little baby to my active little toddler! It's just amazing and sad and exciting and wow! Being a parent makes you very aware of the sands of time! Feast your eyes on the little dude and then we will move down the story line.
Maria on her 30th birthday with her little man!
Jake enjoying some family fun on the deck this past week.
Look at the view we get - pretty lucky!

The grill master - rick displaying his backyard talents - just look at that technique - Rick is showing the world why he is a grill master!
Wow, a Starbucks in Seattle? C'mon....Just getting some energy on Maria's 30th birthday and trying to be Oh-so Seattle.

An empty movie theater - it could have been a fantasy in the making but we just sat back and enjoyed the flick!
The Freemont Sunday Street fair...the little guy is really trying to walk everywhere now!
My first corn on the cob - I really like it - the next day it came out just as he ate it!
The mascot of the Freemont Sunday fair.

Future Wall Street hunk.

I like my toys - especially my baseball bat - daddy is teaching him well!

Look, I can feed myself now - I am getting to be a big boy!
I like to be silly - I am practicing so that when I am older I know what to do with the cigar.
Daddy and me before I go to bed...
My best friend....hugs and kisses!

I love my stuffies!
I am so silly....
Look at my teeth - I have 6 now and 2 more on the way!
The bum shots.
I don't throw tantrums..
Jake at the Pacific Science Center for his buddy Finn's Birthday!