Following them in, my dad's brother and wife, uncle Ray and aunt Judy and their daughter Brenna came to check out the west coast. I think it officially was my parents first non-child visitors! They had extra persuasion from their newly married eldest son Rourk since his transfer to Yakima. My parents were super happy to share some time with family. My dad even got to celebrate his birthday with his brother over grandma DeeDee's infamous pet frosting cake! Don't worry we all went to Karaoke too! It was a good time all around!
Speaking of birthdays, not long after Ray and Judy departed, my sister Maggie came in with her two boys, Ryder and new husband Tommy. It was their spring break AND Maggie's 21st birthday! How fun! It was great to get to know Tommy a little more and of course to see the three cousins interact together. 2.5, 18months, 12months....boys....WHOA! It was intense to say the least! All of them grew a lot that week. We got some really cute pics... I think Kai enjoyed Ryder the most! He even started saying his name and still says it randomly at times. That's right my peeps, he says Ryder and still hasn't said Mamma!!!! Plus, Katie and I went out with Maggie for her big night and had some good old sister bonding! Man to be 21 again!!! Overall, I was super impressed by the rhythm that Maggie and Tommy have together and with Ryder! They seem to be supporting each other in the right direction. Eric and I are really proud of them!
Oh.. there's more! The day before Maggie and crew left, Eric's parents Ron and Judy came in for their visit! They weren't going to miss their youngest grandson's first birthday and baptism! And of course we wouldn't have that either! We had a lovely time! We all stayed pretty low key, ventured out during the day into Seattle, Snohomish, and lounged at night. We had some great talks, the boys really bonded with Grandma and Grandpa. Of course the constant spoiling of gifts and clothes and gifts and treats didn't hurt that process at all!!! In fact, since they left Jake wakes up every morning asking for toys! Oh Boy!!! Jake impressed Grandpa with his puzzle skills. Their was a point that they were both working on puzzles making the exact same expression and hair going in the same direction! Jake is a little mini-Ron!!! Kai-baby as Judy likes to call him really was a kissing fool for his grandma and pa!!! Just couldn't get enough! It warmed my heart to see this intimacy! Love truly is not bound by age, time, or distance!
Kai had three birthday parties! He started to really get into the birthday song and knew sweet treats followed!! He celebrated with the Petersen clan with a big cupcake, with my parents and Eric's parents on his actual birthday-St Patty's Day- over upside down peach cake, and had a big friend party with lots of cupcakes that Saturday! Then he followed that up with some downhome good marionberry pie! Plus in the middle of party week, Kai went to his bestpal Elias's first birthday bash and had vegan banana cups! They even let the boys go bonkers with balloons! Aaaaah, to be one again!
Wow! Thanks so much to all of our friends and family that took time out to celebrate with us and make our baby Kai (and us) feel so special and loved!!! We are really lucky to have you all in our lives! You guys make it all worthwhile!
As if that doesn't like enough fun, we topped off our celebrations with the ultimate, Kai's baptism! It was a lovely service at St Monica's Church on Mercer Island right after the 9:30 mass. It was really cool to see our group take up a whole pew! I haven't seen that since Divine Child! Kelly and Emma did and will do a great job representing as Kai's godparents! It was an open ceremony so many families and tons of children stuck around to watch. It was really neat to feel that extra love and support from so many people in the community. To boot, Kai got a surprise baptism buddy, baby Cabrini Marie, to share the experience with (if you were wondering who the other family was in the pics). Plus, Kai even got to wear the under gown of the authentic Irish baptismal dress my parents brought back from Ireland. Everyone felt the love in the air that day! Even Kai could tell it was a special day for him!!! We had a lovely brunch at our place afterwards which wrapped up the week nicely! Eric's parents left Wednesday with a very warm and happy but heavy heart knowing it will be awhile until we see each other next. There are already plans in the works though for our next adventure! We can't wait! We really, really enjoyed your company guys! We love you bunches!!!
PLUS... Thursday we celebrated Kenrick's 23rd birthday.. AND..Friday night, Christina, Ranen, Jake and I went out to a concert at Christina's church. It was a special big boy only night out with mommas. I don't think it registered until we picked up Ranen and he sat in Kai's car seat instead of Kai. The boys were super excited and danced their little hearts out! My favorites were Ranen's uber jump into our arms and Jake's octopus dance! We went and saw Jana Alayra and she did a great job! In the middle of this upbeat family concert, she brought up these beautiful African children who sang a gorgeous ballad of hers. They were truly awe inspiring as they oozed joy and love out of their big souls!! Yes Jana, we are "On board with the Lord"!! We had so much fun and the boys got TWO cookies afterward as we got the private tour of their church and Ranen's school! Thank you Christina and Ranen for such a fun night!!
Wow... You know after all that, MSU has made it to the Final Four! Eric wishes he could go next weekend to see our team playoff in ........ Detroit!! How cool will that be?!!!! To all our midwest homies! Have fun D-town style for us! We will be watching with you!
I want to end this posting with the anticipation of my cousin Michelle's second baby! She has gone in today for induction being a week past due... We are so excited! She has kept the sex of the baby a secret so we don't know if Baby Lucas is having a brother or sister yet! So say a little prayer that baby Schommer enters this world full of peace, safety, and health! OH! Just heard cutting news.... Madeline Grace has entered the world healthy and happy 8lbs21oz at 5:30pm EST at Oakwood Hospital! Welcome Maddie! You are loved!
Enjoy the pics!
Big Hugs!
Maria, Eric, Jake and Kai