I know I can't believe it either! It feels like just yesterday we were bringing the little guy home to start our family. After many sleepless nights, getting a BA in baby sounds, researching the answers to sooo many questions, taking over 1000 photos, wanting desperately to pick up a new vice, and contemplating how the hell our parents did it so easily... we blinked and it's been seven months!!! I tell ya,..WOW!
We are really starting to enjoy little man Jake! He is such a happy baby! We really did luck out! Eric and I sit and try to make him laugh cuz his laugh makes it all worth while! And it doesn't take a whole lot to get him going! These days a good jump in the jumperoo, a suspenseful game of peek-a-boo behind a blanket, or a walk around the house on daddy's shoulders can trigger a half hour or more of nonstop, pure top-shelf, quality baby laughter!
He has come a long way in the last month even. Last week he got his 6 month shots and was very brave. He even got some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle band aids to show off this bravery! He started rolling over from tummy to back, which is super cute cuz he rocks on his hands to get momentum before he throws back his giganto head to start the roll! He had his first swing ride at the park and loved it and likes going pretty swiftly for a little tike! He got his two bottom teeth in the last two weeks which is neat cuz his little tongue can't get enough of them and he makes some crazy whistly, froggy noises and.. he looks so handsome with little tiny teeth!! He has enjoyed a huge range of new foods like: nectarines, plums, oatmeal, butternut squash, gala apples, bananas, sweet peas, and his new favorite pizza crust! Better not take it away from him or else!!!! He LOVES his walks everyday in his fancy stroller and even fell asleep in it while we were in Walla Walla, where he also had his first over night stay on vacation! He's super active in his bath now and can make huge bubbles with his monster splashes. He even had his first bath with both mommy and daddy in a real tub... family love! Oh and his hair is starting to curl... so precious! We are waiting to see if he has Eric's curls or mine (hope for mine)!
Speaking of vacation, Eric and I just needed to get out! So Eric took the day off and I packed for two days to feed into my OCD and we were out the door bright and early Friday morning! We decided to head out over the mountains to Walla Walla which is the Washington wine district and titled the new Nappa due to it's dry summers, water surplus from the Columbia River, and it's downtown resurgence. We are trying to narrow down where we would like to buy some land and start our dream of creating a organic retreat destination with some people we love who'd like to share in this dream. So we thought this might be a good fit. We booked this cute inn right in the heart of downtown, called so simply The Walla Walla Inn Downtown from the super/owner Rick who came to the room to great us personally. We got the best suite! It had a bedroom, a full bath and tub, a living room, office and full kitchen with snackos, drinks, and of course wine! It was top shelf, as Eric likes to say! If you are going to Walla Walla, maybe in the spring or for the onion festival, please look this place up, you won't be disappointed. No really, it was great! We enjoyed some nice strolls, super friendly locals, yummy wine tastings, and some much needed quality family time!! Eric even got a bottle of Leanetti (which are on back order)! We stopped at the Preston and L'Ecole #41 wineries for some tastings and purchases! Overall a success and huge learning experience as new parents.. traveling with baby, even a good baby, SO much work and patience and flexibitly and of course humor!!! Ohhhh, the lessons!!!
Unfortunately for us with the desperation to get out of town, we didn't check any weather reports and of course landed with a lucky 22degrees on Saturday! What were we thinking? It was like we stepped back into a day in the life of Michigan weather... grey, cold as hell, and lots of eating and drinking to make that all disappear! But, it was nice to get away even for a short while. The drive back over the mountains was a little scary but my main man did a fantastic job getting us home safely just in time for the Superbowl! Jake's first Superbowl and how fitting that it was two Midwest teams dukin' it out!
Oh, I totally forgot. We the WCB's, are super geeked about the contagious spread of Beller blogs across the USA!!! There is now a thebellerfamily, midwestbellerfamily, and the newest addition thesouthernbellers! How cool is that!!! If you are family or friends of family check these all out at blogspot.com!!! Yeah for technology!
Well, it's February, Jake is seven months old, I am one more month closer to the big 3-0, still workin on those resolutions and pretty soon will be able to cross one off our list, and super excited to see my dad and lil'sis Emma in a couple weeks in hopes of recuiting some fam out! Cross your fingers!
So,Until next time.... enjoy each moment cuz WOW does time fly by!
Lots of love from the WestCoastBellers!!!