Since we last blogged, the weeks have slid full force into each other! I blinked and two months passed! Mostly because it seems we have been sick for that long! Just enjoying a lovely game of pass the cold and round again with our whole family!!! It's fun you should try it!!! Just make sure you have your vitamins, humidifiers, and nurse hotline ready at hand!
In the midst of all the sniffles came some awesome benchmarks for us Bellers. First on the brag post: Mr. Kai! He is seriously on the fast track to catching up with his big bro! He started scooting at 6months and full blown crawling at 7months. Now he is even pushing himself up to sit and pulling himself up to stand! He LOVES standing at the train table and playing cars with Jake. He knows he is SO cool. It's stinking cute! He has grown two teeth: bottom. Which we heard in Thai means he will be logical, reasonable, and determined. Hmmmm. Kai has started eating puffed rice, cheerios, and pizza crust. He is so good at picking up those little snacks with his big baby hands! Kai also has turned into quite the jokester! He loves to share his binky-JUST KIDDING! He can laugh for hours with that one! He is really into wrestling with Dadda and Jake! It's a little scary watching an infant go full speed towards wrestle-mania and hang with the crowd! And lately he has been really into beats. He is constantly tapping his hand on the wood floor, tapping his foot on the counter, stopping to listen to music, and rocking back and forth anytime a toy makes music!!! It's good to know another son has rhythm!
We have quite the talker on the Jake front! He has officially stepped into the "Word World"! Seriously, it couldn't have come soon enough! With Kai's new found voice.. and it's a good STRONG one.... we are happy to say goodbye to the extreme tantrums of a frustrated misunderstood toddler. In his place a more confident, opinionated almost two and a halfer has arrived. Phrases like " I would like a binky mama please", " Good morning Kai! I love you!",and "Sneaky, sneaky" gladly fill our ears! He has also grown like a little bean. He is now in 3T and size 8 shoes! Not sure when that happened! As if parenthood isn't emotional enough, the nostalgia of the light speed pace both our boys are growing at is deafening! I really just can't stop and simmer in it's wonder enough! So sad, so beautiful, so intense, so wonderful an experience! I just want to bottle every moment but I know my hard drive is only so big. I wonder what memories will stick and which will be forgotten? Hopefully, this blog will help preserve those un-stored moments!
Whoa, got a little sappy there. Must have been the raging fire, table wine, and Ahmad Jamal floating in our ears. Where was I? Oh yes... Jakestir!!!
So we were at Turtle Park playing in the sandbox and I had my first super proud warm fuzzy moment with my extremely spirited toddler. He stopped mid-fishing adventure frozen by the sound of a young girl's cries. "Momma booboo!". " Yes Jake that little girl fell and got a booboo. We need to play carefully. But she will be okay!" "Be back one minute." With that he took off across the park at full speed to the little girl. My heart stopped as pictures of him tackling her down in a huge WWF hug came flashing in my head. But weighed down by Kai in the front pack I couldn't quite make it for interaction facilitation. Yet, to my utter surprise and joy, Jake oh so gently and with such sincere empathy, gave this girl his best hug, kiss, and reassurance "it's okay!". I stood there shocked by the show that ended in applause and comments from every mom/nanny at the park! It was as if all the work in the past year regarding social/physical interaction finally paid off even if only for one moment! It was so rewarding and gratifying and above all hopeful that yes this toddler will learn and grow into a young boy! And probably make a good boyfriend and husband in the future, as suggested by one of the moms!
Speaking of good husbands, Eric is hanging strong! Proving yes you can do it all! He is thriving at Speakeasy and still actually loves his gig! Yeah! He keeps me and the boys happy with tons of quality time. We had a great stroll downtown by the lake and even saw an Eagle just hanging out at a tree. Now every time we go down there, Jake sees an eagle. Really? "Momma an Eagle! Fly. Tree". I am trying to stay full of grace and positive energy in my "season". I got pulled into a girls night out to a concert at the Showbox in Seattle. I saw Matt Nathanson who hands down is the funniest musician I have ever seen live! Mostly though, we are just super excited to head back to Michigan to enjoy Eric's family, see our little Seattle cousins tie the knot, and introduce Sir Kai to the whole fam! Not to mention, enjoy some Frankemuth fare! Umm-umm fried chicken!
With that, have a fantastic Thanksgiving everyone! Be merry, eat till your buttons pop, and remember the meaning of this holiday! Give thanks to all that you have in your life especially your health and your loved ones! Spread the joy! And know we love you and are extremely thankful you have touched our lives!
Cheers! The Bellers