This year is going to be especially fun with the addition of Kai Patrick. We are a few hours away from meeting him as it is currently 2:15AM. Maria is doing great. She checked in at 10PM last night and was already 5 cm. Maria's labor has been a lot easier this time around and she is in good spirits. I think the drugs she got for the epidural have made her a little joky. Here are some pictures and videos of Maria's Labor thus far. See Marguerite and Judy, you aren't really missing anything at all! Well, as things progress, we will be posting to the site.
This picture is just after the drugs kicked in.
3:45AM - World meet Kai Patrick Beller. Born 3:21AM. We haven't weighed him yet, so you are getting this nearly real time. What a handsome little guy.

4:03AM - Kai is now feeding with Mommy. Here are some more with me and Kai.

4:17AM - First picture with Kai, Dad, & Mom. Look at the hair - its gotta be the Black Irish

10:25AM - We moved rooms and are now in room 416. Nice view of the city. Well, we both managed some sleep. I think I got more than Mom did. Kai is a really good eater and sleeper already. He is very calm and different than his little brother. I think he has the Beller hair, forehead, eyes and Maria's pouty lips, mouth and nose. He has a nice little round face and just a ton of jet black hair. Right now, he is getting his hearing test and is hooked up with some headphones while Maria is holding him. Here are some more pictures of his first bath from about 5:30AM earlier this morning. Enjoy them as much as we enjoyed taking them. Check back later today for more photos. Jake and his Grandma's are on their way over now. That will be so cool to see Kai meet his family!
Oh yah, here are his vitals:
19 inches long. 7 pounds 15 ounces. Black hair. Cute face. And of course, a big penis!

12:15PM - Here are some more photos. Big Brother Jake got to meet his little buddy. He kissed him, held him and gave him hugs and than it was all about the balloons. Both Grandmas got to hold and kiss him (JuJu & GiGi). Great day. Well, I am off to put the little Tazmanian devil to sleep and possibly do an Irish shot at the local pub before returning to the new addition. Every father has to pay tribute to his little St. Patty's Day Irish babe with a shot of something strong! Enjoy the photos and we will be continuously updating the blog. See you back soon...

11:10PM - Mom and Kai are doing great. We have now changed a few of his poopy diapers and Mom has had a few feeding sessions now. Its hard to imagine that we did this before, because it still feels so foreign. I think it must be the nerves, but I know we will settle down. Maria is probably going to be dispatched tomorrow to go home. She was AMAZING during labor and delivery. God has truly blessed us with someone very special. Anyway, check back in the next few days as we update Kai's situation. Thanks for all the love and we wish everyone all God's Love as well.