Hello Friends and Family!
I am super excited to finally kick start our communication highway here on our new blog! We can now share the latest and greatest, little and big, family info with all of you! Feel free to check us out, look at photos, and see what's new with the always fabulous WestCoastBellers!!
I have had an interesting week to say the least! I am still battling sleep deprivation as Jake wakes up about every hour to get help falling back to sleep. We tried the "cry-it out" method and it didn't seem to help that much AND it made Jake very needy and fussy during the day. It was a horrible combination- no sleep and no getting anything done! So I rush ordered some resources and am reading the "No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley and I think she is on to something! Please new moms-to-be take this time and prepare yourselves get this book and "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" they will make your new transition SO much easier and much less anxious! I will keep you posted on Jake's sleep progress!
Jake turned 5 months old today! I can't believe how time is flying by already! He is HUGE! At his 4 month check up, he was over the 95% in weight and height and since then he has sprouted! He is eating cereal now 1-3 times a day and is a good eater. I can tell he is ready for real food. I bought some sweet potatoes and pears and am getting myself mentally prepared for that new phase. Katie got me a great baby cookbook and I am excited to make Jake's food fresh!!
Eric and I are getting in the mood for the holiday and can't wait to experience our first Christmas with Jake! We starting our shop-a-thon last weekend and have so much more to do! Our tree is up and looking great. The cats love to lay under it and of course eat it! It feels like Christmas, especially, with our freak snow spells last week! Eric and I are getting ready to go on some much needed dates very soon, as we have holiday events to attend and little man doesn't have an ID yet! I can't wait! Eric and I desperately need to reconnect and not with spit up and a baby monitor nearby! Wish us luck!
Well, little man is up from his nap! Gotta go! Chat with ya soon!