Well Folks it's official! Jake has started to crawl!!!! It isn't very pretty yet, still lacking some basic dance steps like belly off the floor, but he's getting from point A to point B! He's a determined little bugger! Eric and I are just scratching our heads with the enormity of this new phase of baby chasing, baby proofing, and baby boo-boos!It is truly amazing how time flies and how much changes in each and every day!!
Jake is also starting to eat solids and sipping out of straws! He loves the Ziewback toasts and had his first nibble of cheese today! He loves it! I knew he had a little of me in there!!! He used his little beaver teeth to lean over and bite off a chunk! He is getting pretty good at chewing with his tops and bottoms! He has also mastered the raspberry with a full spectrum of baby drool! He likes to show off this new spitting trick in public and (thanks to Grammy Beller) while he's eating!!!!! The tricks don't stop there. Since he has been army crawling, he has mastered the full rotation sleeping ninja move. You know when you wake up in the middle of the night to find your baby in the exact same position except baby's head is now where you left baby's feet! It is an amazing trick! He also is ALL about pulling himself up to standing anywhere-anyhow!! Crib, table, mommy, Meeko, yup he just grabs on and pulls up! It has resulted in some close calls; especially, when Meeko wasn't on board with the idea of Jake crawling up his face and retaliated with some bites back! He'll learn! Overall, we are overcome with the growth spurt of movement and ENERGY this baby is full of right now! Not to mention the itty-bitty side of effect of all this growth.... you guessed right : crying fits in the middle of the night! I will have Eric describe that one later!
Well, I have tons more to tell you about Eric, my Fam, and I but without much time I leave you now with these super cute photos and a promise to be back soon with more lowdown from the westcoast Bellers!!
Until then, Keep Smiling!!! WCB