Sunday, April 4, 2010

REWIND: "Freaky" March 2010

Cupcakes for breakfast! THE life of a 2 year old!!!

Best Pal Christina and I at Elias' birthday party fully decorated in vintage monster vibe by Mrs. Bothel herself!!!

Aaahhh! Sneak attack coming! Ready, set, go!!!

Our shy boy!!!

At the zoo for turning two!!! LOVED IT!!!

We all had some fun!!!

Look at those big hippos!!!
Kai Turned Two!!! We went to the ZOO!!
Exhausted at the zoo!
Not ME!!!!
Jake discovered a giant anchor on his underwater zoo adventures!!

Birthday Present Time!!! Oh Ya! Oh Ya!!

Oh YA! Old school car garage!
Hmmm... I guess his shirt was hungry for cupcake too!

What are you doing there on my cupcake little dinosaur?

A special birthday gift from Auntie Louise, Uncle Greg, cousins Cassie and Shauna! YEAH!!!

They always send the best gifts!!! Thanks Auntie and Uncle!!!

*Please note: This post was written in March so content may be dated, written in present tense, or just plain old news to you. For the sake of moving forward, I had to get this out there! Thanks for your understanding and stay tuned for more current posts soon!

So much has happened in the last month or so! Kai turned TWO!! OMG!!! MSU made it to the Final Four. Eric crossed a Must-Do off his list by going to a March Madness game and Kai/Jake got to cross that off at 2/3.5!!! Made some new friends at Jake's Auction. Went to the Zoo and Spokane all in one week!!! Went to Idaho for the first time, to Coeur d'Laine and it was pretty cool! We've enjoyed watching the boys bond with their cousin Ryder! Rearranged the boys' rooms. Had a tequila night with Scott and Kelli....I'll leave it there! The boys went on their first city bus ride as a field trip for Jake's school and now every time they see a city bus they ask to go to the pet store (because that's where we went).

Kai's starting to like his music class and his special teacher Miss Anna. Kai also got some crazy memo that he has turned two and has turned it up to full speed ahead!!!! We all have been quite blown over by it!! Although Jake REALLY dislikes the random but consistent antagonizing and wrestling take downs, I am more bothered by the non-stop (and by non-stop I mean NO-stopping) go-go-go/into-into-into/bother-bother-bother/need-need-need/cry-cry-cry intensity of a crazy two year old! Seriously how did Judy raise 5 BOYS!?!?! I had my first, "maybe we should give this one back" day and just when I was trying to figure out how much postage would cost to do that, some nice old lady behind us in the grocery store said "Oooohhh, most families have one but you my dear have TWO SPARKPLUGS!!! Aren't you a lucky lady!!! Well, I guess I am lucky but Kai was the lucky one that day, we decided to keep him after all!! Almost forgot, somehow from me telling Jake to "stop freaking out" when he is screaming or when his emotions are bumping into all of us, little Kai-baby has picked up a new favorite word "Freaky". So now EVERY single noun and verb is preceded with a unbelievably correct variation on the word. For example: ".. look at that freaky cat. ... that is freakin' stinky.... whoa that was a freakin' accident... Jake's not being freakin' nice!... I freakin' love you too!!!....WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH THAT???? It's a crazy world being a parent!!! Did I mention my new love of Kava? HA!!! No really!!! HA!!!

For me it's been a symphony of lights, therapy, and laundry, oh my! I went to a Good Friday Service with a lovely art show with good friend where I laid down some burdens! My first attempt at homemade cinnamon buns with a great success (thank goodness or I might not have tried baking again ever). We had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter with old Seattle friends! Eric is the MOST stoked but we are all SUPER excited for our first official family of four vacation... to Hawaii! Our mission is to relax, laugh, bond, and help foster the obvious passions of our little Jacques Cousteau!!! I am sure there are a million things in between I have forgotten but hopefully the pics capture the loss. Keep us in your prayers, especially in the next couple weeks! We miss and love you guys! Happy Easter! Happy Spring! Happy Year!!!
Big Freaky Bear Hugs,
Eric, Maria, and the two Spark plugs!!!