Miss Chloe Violet has taken over our lives! Nothing will ever be the same and we wouldn't want it any other way!!! Daddy's little girl
Every single car, truck, vehicle, garage, house, and noisy toy in the building made it to the Saturday Super Play Party! Chloe enjoying the attention from everyone!
Chloe already LOVES her big brothers!!!! Two peas in a pod!!! Kai and Uncle Scott! Aunt Kelly with her munchkins!! Look at me, I am ONE MONTH OLD!!! Kai loves being a BIG brother to his baby! These were on her one month anniversary!!! I can't believe she's so old already!!! I love the love between these two, who have really bonded since adding a new member to their team! It's rare to get them both smiling at the same time; so these are precious! I get teary when I see Kai in these shots. He looks like he's 5! My little baby cakes is growing up too fast!!!! Brother Love!!! Tummy Time! Post bath curly hair! Conversations with Eebee!!! She was instantly drawn to him and couldn't stop cooing at him! It was so cute and super funny!!! El Capitano Cousteau and his sidekick!!! Jake's last few days of preschool! And yes that is a great rendition of Skiddamarinkydinkydink!! Fruit Loop Necklace!!! Handsome three year old Kai!! I can't believe my baby is a "BIG" boy now!!!!! Some of her first real (non-gas) smiles!!
With love from all of us to you!!!! Check back in next month!!!
1 comment:
Beautiful beautiful!
You have created a great family - can't wait to see you all. Hopefully soon.
Hugs and kisses your way =
Beller Fam #3
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