This is my third attempt to blog this summer. With each addition more and more events turned the direction of content so much so, that I often was left with a loss of words. I know! Now that I sit in a reflective place, I feel more capable of describing the events of these past few months.
June was over in a blink of an eye! We had some intense weeks and were looking forward to our hopefully relaxing trip back to Michigan in early July! We somehow found a way to make a trip back to MI to visit Eric's father on his 70th birthday. But, before we headed back to the mainland a few events took place. For instance, I turned 32, which by the way actually feels thirty something now!!! It's a little scary to start thinking of birthdays as a reminder of your rental space here in this life! I also, stayed out for an all girls sleepover, christening my first night away from a child EVER since Jake's birth! After a good glass of wine, it was very enjoyable!!! We ventured out into the country for our first time berry picking with the boys! We picked raspberries, which aren't as poky as blackberries. It was a HOT day and Jake kept sitting down saying the the raspberries where making him hot, because he was eating all the berries he picked! It was our intent to make raspberry jam and raspberry rhubarb pie, but we ate them all. They really were that good! Maybe next year!
At the end of the month, the boys took swimming classes for the first time, with mixed reviews on their part. It just happened to be two chilly weeks and the boys were a little prissy about the temperature outside, which made the experience challenging but we all learned some great moves and songs! Since that class, Kai has really taken to the Ticktock song and sings it ALL the time. Eric's baseball season ended on a good note, though I think he misses the regular male company and late night hang-10 but fall ball is right around the corner babe!!! I was driving myself crazy contemplating going back to work full time, as a result of Wigwam/double toddler trouble stress, but I worked it out. This stress was quadrupled though by Eric's dad going through surgery to stint some more aneurysms and my mom moving back to Michigan indefinitely to take care of her parents, and finally redoing Jake's room into a fish fanatics dream oasis, which he just loves, and which took us a whole month to finish! Painting raw wood takes like 45 coats of paint even with a primer!!! After all that was said and done I finally maxed out in my worries to a point of sudden hysteria which allowed me to loose all sense of control and lead me to calm state of faith, optimism, hope, and present-ness. I hoped to manifest that feeling for awhile!

Just like the, Alasis Morissette song Ironic, life threw a pretty quick curve ball. We had the WORST FLIGHT possible with sir Kai going back to Michigan. The kind where people are commenting about how it isn't bothering them, which everyone knows is a lie. We headed up to Frankenmuth and hunkered into some good old fashioned family time and party throwing, Eric's dad turned 70 ( AMAZING he doesn't look a day past 60!) which he shares with Sammy, our niece who turned 18, AND Hiedi our niece graduated from HS and is off to college!!! WOW! It was so good to see family; especially, those from out of town that we only see around 1xyear! We love you brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and extended family! Plus, we had a fun filled day up at Higgins Lake. Eric's sister and brother, Louise and Greg, have a BEAUTIFUL place right on the lake where we were able to get some sun, sand, bbq, and let loose time. I was lucky to see my lil sister, Maggie, Tommy, and Ryder that day. So the boys got to play with their only similar aged cousin. They are a pretty cute trio of trouble!!! But, I have to admit I was a little bit of a downer for during our visit my Grandpa got really sick and was decidedly heading home for hospice care, lead charge my mother. So, with that looming in the back of my mind, I luckily headed down to Dearborn solo to visit with my Grandfather. He was my first father until I was adopted; who considered me one of his own children like I considered him a man worthy of loving like a father. It was a teary, joyful, reflective visit that I will hold dear to my heart for the rest of my stay. He passed the following week surrounded by family. I know he is at the center of all the best conversations up there and sending his Irish blessings down our way. He is missed. He is loved. I am inspired by his journey in so many ways! He worked hard his whole life to provide for his large family and only asked that in return his kids would come around for a meal and a laugh every once and awhile. This was a man who did the right thing no matter what! This was a man who valued his heritage, education, spirituality, food, and of course family above all else! He found happiness in where he was and who he was around. He was always present in his life, never living in the "when I have that" world, and he truly believed with his unfaltering work ethic, a firm handshake, a direct look in the eye, and his Irish backed word, he could walk through any door and overcome any obstacle. His life proved him right! This man lived the dream that we all strive to achieve after the money, toys, status, or whatever unimportant desires, fail to fill the journey with depth. James Kenrick had laughter, loved ones, a relationship with the Lord, and true daily happiness in who is was, where he was, and pride in what he had accomplished. To me... Success!!! I love you Grandpa!
My cousins posted some fantastic photos and stories of his life and I would love it if you spent a moment checking them out. JFK
After we returned, we enjoyed some pleasant weeks here at the Wigwam by ourselves. The first two weeks without anyone else living with us in over two years. It was foreign and lovely. I enjoyed the time to think, reflect, and regroup. Inspired to live life more fully, we headed up to Bellingham for a wonderful visit to the amazing outdoor Farmers Market, an Art Fair that would blow any midwest fair out of the water, my new favorite eatery La Fiamma a yummy-yummy organic pizzeria that tops TOPS customer service for families with kids, and spent our first family of four night in a hotel. It fared better than expected, even though we had to fall asleep with the boys cuz we only had one room. Next time... suite. The next day we headed up to Vancouver to Stanley Park where the Aquarium is to see the baby Beluga whales that were just born! It was pretty cool. Highlights: An active octopus, beautiful orange jellyfish, a dolphin show that got us all wet, some sea lions rolling over for fish, and of course the Beluga Whales and the two baby's who were still nursing! Amazing!!! Plus, Stanley Park is one of the most beautiful parks ever, with awe inspiring bluffs, views of mountains and ocean, trees as old as Ents, and miles and miles of beaches, boardwalks, free activities and tons of nestled restaurants and cafes, Stanley Park will see me again! Hopefully, soon!!! OH My, Jake just reminded me to tell you all, he is a big boy now who doesn't wear diapers any more because he wants to go to preschool in the fall! We are proud of his hard work and dedication to the push. He wanted to go green and stop littering the earth with Pampers!!! I support his decision! With that, we are excited to purchase our first new refrigerator since our 1972 Amana finally quit on us back in July and we have been sharing with my dad downstairs, yeah Best Buy appreciation events! With that taken care of we are hoping to head east to Lake Chelan for some family time in the woods. It will be our first camping trip solo without friends or family. We are excited to just focus inward for once! We need some uninterrupted family time and we hope this will do the trick! Wish us luck!!!
SORRY for the lack of photos! They are coming!!! We are currently saving our cpu from possible overcapacity death and decided to start backing up and rearranging our files. Please be patient and we will have some pics up shortly!!! Thanks for your understanding!!! Stay Tuned!
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