I think the title says it all! It has been a whirlwind these last few weeks. As we now stop to take a breath we realized Kai has turned the big 1 month! So let's catch up shall we!!
March was a blast! We started the month off with Kai's baby shower! A very nice distraction to the last leg of a long pregnancy! Along with my mom, sisters, and cousin Kelly, Eric's mom Judy came into town for the shower which was super special! So many friends and family were there to celebrate our second but just as special little boy! It was a fantastic gathering full of love, laughter, and of course good food! I am sending a big- big thank you to all the women in my life that make me a better woman, a better friend, a better wife and ultimately a better mother! I couldn't do it without your support! I love you all!
After that lovely gathering we buckled down with the last week of preparations for Kai! We tried hard to communicate with Jake and get him excited about being a big brother. We bought tons of diapers (which are already gone!), a few movies, and lots of premade meals from Trader Joes! That week Eric's dad Ron came to join the party as well! We were blessed to have so much family and support around at such a pivital time in our lives! Then we just sat back and waited.... two days!
Kai arrived right on time with a speedy and drama free delivery! I was very thankful! We were hardly in the hospital two days before we were out and back home! I did have enough time to have one or two of the famous Swedish Hospital shakes before we left though!!! So much excitement - so little sleep! I actually forgot everything I knew about babies the second Kai was born! When Jake was little I took notes every month for myself, read every book on the shelf, did extensive research on the web.... none of it remembered or relevant when Kai was born! I just thought babies were babies. I should've known better really!
From the minute Kai said hello to this world he was so unique that only a small percentage of my mommy knowledge applied to his reality! He came out crying and assertive. But once, he felt secure he became calm, quiet, and had a natural energy of "chillax" about him. All SO different from his "Here I Am Check Me Out" big brother! He instantly took to a 3 hour schedule, sleeps well once asleep, and is a total chowhound! He has more hair than Eric can handle! It appears that it will be thicker, darker but just as curly as Jake's. Kai loves to observe, especially whatever Jake is doing! He will turn his head in whatever direction Jake is making a racket in! He loves being carried in the Moby and can sleep there all day! He started smiling this week which just melts my heart! It makes all those sleepless nights worthwhile! He also came with a horrible case of baby eczema which I interpreted as dairy intolerance. Two Weeks of no dairy!!! No pizza, no packaged foods, no butter! Wow- You have NO idea what to eat without diary! So as my pizza craving came to an all time high and Kai's skin didn't seem to clear up completely I went to Dr. Bowe who in one look said "Nope not dairy, baby eczema". Already Kai has taken me on a completely different and challenging mommy journey! I have stepped up to this all new playing field, pizza as my allie, with a renewed confidence and ignorance to be a whole new mommy made especially for Kai!
On the big brother front, Jake is doing great! He is very affectionate with Kai, giving him hugs and kisses whenever he can. He loves to hold him in his lap for about 42 seconds. He generally isn't too jealous of my time with Kai, but when Daddy is holding Kai at a time when he wants Dadda's attention watch out! He has become super pals with Eric which warms my heart and I think Eric secretly has been waiting for! Our only quip is that he is still smack dab in the middle of his "terrible communication/ extreme frustration two's" which can lead to some loud and chaostic times. But, like all parents of toddlers we are working through it the best we can. We just have a huge audience to witness it all!
Jake got his first big boy haircut and looks so much older it's hard at times to remember he's only 21 months old! He's a tweener, not quite a baby not yet a toddler! But with ringlets gone, he looks like he's ready for a beer! Jake also climbed out of his crib with ninja like skill, not a sound and on his first attempt! We asked him to show us how he got out and did so with the confidence of a seasoned pro! Wow, big boy bed is right around the corner or really as soon as I have the energy to take on this new phase! Any tips on this transition would be greatly appreciated!
I am sure I am forgetting a ton of important stuff, but this is my eighth time attempting to sit down and get this blog entry up and you are probably ready to just see some pics anyways. So, here you go with photo gallery! Enjoy! We love you all!
Peace-Out, WestcoastBellers

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