Rick, Marguerite, Katie, Maggie, Emma, and Zepher (dog dog) are all moving out here this summer. Rick is on his way as I write this, probably in North Dakota. We expect him to arrive on Monday, May 7th. He will be the first to move out here with Maggie next, Marguerite and Emma after that and than finally Katie. It will be interesting on so many levels to see how this will work out, but I have faith in God and both Maria and me have an open attitude to make this successful. It will be great to have family so close, like the bedroom next door.
With this new house, we will be looking to start a new chapter in life which will entail living with Maria's family while we build a new house on this property. Hopefully we can have it done in the summer of 2008 and putting it up for sale as Rick gets the business under way. This will be a big step for Rick's new business - Jake Richards Construction. I know that moving to Kirkland will be a great thing for him and his family.
The house we will be living in is nicknamed "The Wigwam" as it has a unique octagon (yes I wrote octagon)shape and exposed cedar post and beam inside - kinda like living in a ski lodge. So we are going to have fun with it knowing that it is only temporary until we can look at the option of building new on the existing octagon house. I think we will really embrace the ski lodge living with furniture and decorations to boot, really making it feel warm and cozy. Anyway, it should be a big test for both Rick's and my family as we will have 2 families living under the same roof - so called "European-style living". Anyway, here are some pictures of "The Wigwam". It has great views of Lake Washington, Olympic Mountains
(on a clear day) and a huge yard that we will take advantage of this summer with BBQ's, wiffle ball home run derby, horseshoes and fun and games. This will be the only summer we can do this as the yard will be the next lot of the new house we will be building. Anyway, hope you enjoy the update and the pictures and until than - keep on keepin on and make everyday count!
Latest Video of Jake
Pictures of Jake and the new "Wigwam"

Thanks for the pictures of the house...I just couldn't get a mental image of how it looked! They really loved the octagon, huh? I saw the 8-sided rug and patio in those pics too!! Also, so good to hear that Jake is just thriving! We love seeing the pictures of him all the time. :)
Love you!
Hey Fam!!
We are so excited for you all and your new adventure!! And adventure it will be for sure. Make sure you have a chalkboard outside the bathroom to monitor morning shower times!! I have been trying to convince my mom that we should jump on this bandwagon of family living, but she is not biting! I think it is mostly because our decorating styles are so different it would be hard to collaborate! Well we are thinking of you all often and praying for the very BEST!! Can't wait to see you all in "real time" - love you lots... Keep the pics coming!
The Schommer Clan - over and out!
Hey maria, eric, and jake
I love the bottom picture I think that jake likes DOGS as much as I do.
watch out for that little bugger!
love ya always
aka Fred
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