Okay so I am not even exaggerating when I titled this post!!! Our little bugger is a crawling speed demon!! He can pace a cheetah from one end of our house to the other! Have you ever chased after a baby half bent trying desperately to clear the path of dangers and animals all while trying not to pee your pants from laughter cuz you're baby loves this game and belly laughs the whole way into mayhem!? Ya.. you know what I mean! Who needs yoga? And that lays out a pretty good picture of our latest adventures!
So once Jake upgraded his engine to a 6 cylinder, we wisely and quickly ran out and got our first gate! And it has made a world of difference. We can now calmly go about everyday tasks without the enormous stress of "OMG Where's Jake?" And it has given him a great sense of freedom and exploration which is pretty cool to see! He is now really into his super bouncy gripper ball and is pretty good at rolling it (more like flailing it) to us or the cats. He has MASTERED the stand up and sit down technique and is a little ADD about it! Stand up-sit down- stand up-sit down- no really!!! He also, aahh so cute, mastered waiving hi and bye and kinda makes a "hi" sound when he does it!! He waives hello to people, plants, animals, furniture, he is really good at it!
On top of movement and new tricks, Jakester is now using a sippycup, eating chicken, upgraded to big boy car seat, can't live without his babyeinstien fix, is bathing in the actual tub, saying interesting things like "baba, mama, ieieie, sthhhee, and is starting to understand (just barely) a little discipline in arenas like biting, hairpulling, and as of yesterday hitting when he doesn't want to share!!! Hmmm? Where does he get this passionate side from? Gramps? Gigi? :)
We are super excited to hit some big milestones next week! Jake turns a big 10 months! Holy cow.. ( that's a long time without one night of sleep!!) Eric starts his new position in his company which he is pretty geeked about! My sister Katie comes out to check out her new home and sign up for classes... if you didn't know she got into Bastyr University: one of the world's leading academic centers for advancing knowledge in the natural health sciences. Check it out for yourself:http://www.bastyr.edu/ My dad packs up the super shiny trailer with JakeRichards logo and road trips it out for his migration to the westcoast to move into the house we just bought together and pick up keys for on Tuesday; which we are calling "the Wigwam" but it's official name is "FalconHurst" after the SwissFamilyRobinsons via the previous owners. I know you can't wait for those pictures!!! I celebrate my first mommies day! I am really kinda thrilled about it! And, oh yeah, I get one last month in my twenties before I step into the "thirty something" decade! I know, I know!! Just a little everyday kinda stuff out here!!!!!:)
Well, I will leave with these cute pictures and funny stories and hope to start blogging more than once a month! Especially, now that we have two beller-blogs, two-kenrick/cousin blogs, and one goddard/cousin blog to keep up with!! I love all this sharing and keeping in touch!! This is definitely one super plus in the technology field!!!
So once Jake upgraded his engine to a 6 cylinder, we wisely and quickly ran out and got our first gate! And it has made a world of difference. We can now calmly go about everyday tasks without the enormous stress of "OMG Where's Jake?" And it has given him a great sense of freedom and exploration which is pretty cool to see! He is now really into his super bouncy gripper ball and is pretty good at rolling it (more like flailing it) to us or the cats. He has MASTERED the stand up and sit down technique and is a little ADD about it! Stand up-sit down- stand up-sit down- no really!!! He also, aahh so cute, mastered waiving hi and bye and kinda makes a "hi" sound when he does it!! He waives hello to people, plants, animals, furniture, he is really good at it!
On top of movement and new tricks, Jakester is now using a sippycup, eating chicken, upgraded to big boy car seat, can't live without his babyeinstien fix, is bathing in the actual tub, saying interesting things like "baba, mama, ieieie, sthhhee, and is starting to understand (just barely) a little discipline in arenas like biting, hairpulling, and as of yesterday hitting when he doesn't want to share!!! Hmmm? Where does he get this passionate side from? Gramps? Gigi? :)
We are super excited to hit some big milestones next week! Jake turns a big 10 months! Holy cow.. ( that's a long time without one night of sleep!!) Eric starts his new position in his company which he is pretty geeked about! My sister Katie comes out to check out her new home and sign up for classes... if you didn't know she got into Bastyr University: one of the world's leading academic centers for advancing knowledge in the natural health sciences. Check it out for yourself:http://www.bastyr.edu/ My dad packs up the super shiny trailer with JakeRichards logo and road trips it out for his migration to the westcoast to move into the house we just bought together and pick up keys for on Tuesday; which we are calling "the Wigwam" but it's official name is "FalconHurst" after the SwissFamilyRobinsons via the previous owners. I know you can't wait for those pictures!!! I celebrate my first mommies day! I am really kinda thrilled about it! And, oh yeah, I get one last month in my twenties before I step into the "thirty something" decade! I know, I know!! Just a little everyday kinda stuff out here!!!!!:)
Well, I will leave with these cute pictures and funny stories and hope to start blogging more than once a month! Especially, now that we have two beller-blogs, two-kenrick/cousin blogs, and one goddard/cousin blog to keep up with!! I love all this sharing and keeping in touch!! This is definitely one super plus in the technology field!!!
Lots of love and hopefully sunshine!
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